Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Road Trip Day 6 - A business day

We arrived last night at River of Joy. It is a small friendly caravan park where the owners are involved in everything and they manage it themselves. At least half of the people we have spoken to have sold their houses and are living permanently in their caravans.

We had business in the city so we left for Bloemfontein after breakfast to take Cubby to Vrystaat Woonwaens Campworld. They seemed very efficient. They knew we were coming, received us and introduced us to Isaak, who was going to be looking after our van. Everybody moved with purpose and efficiency.
While repairs were being done we caught up on e mails and banking in the waiting area, then went shopping at a nearby centre within walking distance.
Three hours and R2000 later we were back in Cubby exploring the area where we used to live.We located the house we lived in from 1979 to 1983.
A lot of changes have been made, higher wall with a locked gate, the garage has been converted to an extra room, a pool and lapa have been added.  I have taken photos but our internet connection here is so spotty I am battling to load them.

Talking about spotty connections, when I was trying to do the yesterday's blog on Brandfort, the site I use wouldn't take me to the page to write a new post. I was considering going to the only draft I had saved and editing it instead. When I opened it, I saw it had Brandfort in the title and I was under the impression that we had never been there before. It was about a trip to Port Elizabeth by train in 2014. It never got posted for some reason so I am going to post it after this one just for Nostalgia's sake.

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